KCRW’s Young Creators Project is showcasing visual art submissions from young, LA-based artists under 21. Jade Carrera Johely is an 18-year-old photographer. Her photo, “Chica del Barrio” features a young woman leaning against a fence on the sidewalk of a vibrant red home.
Johely says she aimed to capture the beauty of her East Hollywood community that’s rapidly gentrifying.
“Just capturing those moments before they're gone really means a lot to me, especially [for] people who have moved. …They see how much it has changed, but yet they're so happy that someone is actually paying attention to it.” Photo courtesy of Jade Carrera Johely.
“The street that I live in, a lot of people had to move away because the rent was getting so high. And it's just really difficult for a person to see that. And this makes me wonder, ‘Is my apartment going to be next?’”
She says she’s concerned her neighborhood is disappearing.
“A lot of people have left already. And a lot of those people were part of my childhood, even though I would only see them crossing the street. Even if I spoke to them, like once, they still mean so much to me. Just capturing those moments before they're gone really means a lot to me, especially [for] people who have moved. They stay in touch with me and they see that I published these photos. They see how much it has changed, but yet they're so happy that someone is actually paying attention to it.”
After she graduates from high school, Joehly plans to minor in photojournalism and work as an educator.
Keep up with Johely’s photography on Instagram @chica.eterno.