KCRW’s Young Creators Project is showcasing visual art submissions from young, LA-based artists under 21. Roc Collins is a 14-year-old painter from Calabasas. His piece is called “Green Acres,” and it’s a hypnotic and colorful abstract filled with swirls.
Green Acres is one of hundreds of paintings Collins has created. His artistic journey began three years ago, when he sold tile paintings at the barbershop for $5 a pop. Painting, he says, helps him unwind.
Fourteen-year-old Roc Collins painted the vivid “Green Acres.” Photo courtesy of Roc Collins.
“I paint how I feel. Like, ‘Okay, this is going to be yellow. It could be green’ and I choose the right type of color. If it’s going to be purple, then I'll choose something pink and white. Or if it's going to be black, then I will choose white, black, and gray. And I will try to match the colors just a little bit.”
When Collins’ isn’t painting, he enjoys playing basketball and the drums. And while art has taken up much of Collins’ young life, he dreams of being an NBA commentator.
Keep up with Roc Collins’ work by checking out his website and following him on Instagram @rocstoneart.