Here Be Monsters
An immersive series of audio documentaries that focus on the forgotten corners of our minds. Beautiful sounds and stories that explore fear, curiosity and the unknown.
Episode topics include crow death rituals, flesh eating beetles, internet scammers, nudism, hitchhiking, faith healing, transgender childhood, fake Sasquatch sightings, Cthulhu, psychological warfare, and prayers to Satan.
20 episodes per year. Released every other Wednesday from September to June. Produced independently by Jeff Emtman and Bethany Denton.
HBM Continues as an Independent Podcast
ArtsHowever, moving forward, HBM will continue as an independent production, and no longer be distributed through the KCRW feed.
HBM140: The New Black Wall Street
ArtsBlack Tulsans record a rap album in a house that once belonged to a famous Klansman.
HBM139: Acceptable Pains
ArtsIs volunteering for pain an unnecessary cruelty? Or is it a fundamental part of being human?
HBM138: Did Neanderthals Bury their Dead?
ArtsNew research suggests that Neanderthals did many of the things once thought to be exclusively “human.”
HBM135: Dying Well
ArtsAmanda Provenzano says people are too afraid of death; that’s why she became a death doula.
What Can You Hear? (Love Me)
ArtsA wonderful episode of a wonderful podcast: the CBC’s Love Me . Subscribe on your favorite podcast app.