A bad tax day for California
CaliforniaFor many Californians, Tax Day this year means writing a check to Uncle Sam.

New Sheriff, New Chutzpah
CaliforniaAlex Villanueva has a mandate and he does not care who – or what – gets in his way. At least, that’s how the newly minted Sheriff of L.A.

Disney plus Fox equals what for LA?
CaliforniaIn less than a week from now, Disney and 20th Century-Fox will be one.

Democrats lean left, socialism leans in
CaliforniaBernie Sanders and his 2016 campaign helped usher in a new generation of politicians and brought several progressive ideas to the Democratic Party platform.

Bullet Train Plans Go Off the Rails
CaliforniaPlans for the high-speed rail project originally meant to connect L.A. and San Francisco - are now derailed. At least, so it seems.

Getting past the sour note
CaliforniaThere’s another big awards show this weekend in Los Angeles. And this one, like some others, is trying to move past controversy that concerns inclusion.

Gaslighting America
CaliforniaPresident Trump’s intelligence team went to Capitol Hill this week for their yearly update to the Congress. But Trump did not like what they said and how it was covered.

A California soaking, but will it stick?
CaliforniaSome parts of Southern California got more than five inches of rain this week, in a series of storm systems that hit the area one after the other.